Animal Wheels Quiz
From Alison, L., & Alison, E. (2020). Rapport: The four ways to read people. Vermilion.
- Think of how you behave in a single particular environment; at work, with your children, with your in-laws, with your partner - just pick one of these environments. It may be helpful to choose the area you seem to struggle most with currently.
- Give yourself a score from 0-3 for each description, where 0 is not at all like me and 3 is always like me.
- Try to go with your gut reaction, don’t overthink it.
- Of course, you can do more than one of these if you pick a different environment (i.e. fill in one version to represent how you interact with, for example, your partner and another for how you interact, for example, with your boss). The more you fill in the more you will see to what extent you are the same (or different) in different contexts.
- 0 = Never like me
- 1 = Occasionally like me
- 2 = Often like me
- 3 = Always like me