5 Things I Don’t Do That Have Made a Massive Difference in My Life

Sometimes it’s not the things we do that have the greatest influence on our lives, but rather the things we don’t do. 

Over the years, the things I have consistently chosen not to do have not only helped me stay healthy, vibrant, and physically strong, but they’ve also kept me mentally stable, centered, and emotionally resilient. 

My choices are not meant to be in judgement of others, they just work for me. Everyone’s path is different. And the choices we make unique to each of us. 

1. I don’t drink

I always want to have my wits about me and to understand what is going on around me. Drinking alcohol impedes discernment and affects memory. From a health perspective it wreaks havoc on hormones, causes weight gain, and premature aging.

2. I don’t do drugs

My body is my sanctuary, and I honor it by keeping it clean. I also want to maintain mental clarity and situational awareness at all times. Taking drugs recreationally rewires the way the brain functions, has potential for long term damage, and increases the risk for addiction. 

3. I don’t sacrifice my sleep

Good sleep keeps me sane and functioning. It is my number one priority. It’s when the body does the most work to rejuvenate and recover, even clearing out waste from the brain. I will forgo late-night gatherings or social events to ensure I get enough rest to remain sharp. 

4. I don’t seek revenge

It’s not enough to have a body free of toxins; I want my mind free as well. Whenever I am harmed, betrayed, or attacked I make it a point not to seek revenge. I will defend myself, if necessary, but I will never pursue vengeance. Not because I want to take the high road, but because I know it’s poison for my mind and soul.  

5. I don’t dwell

Retelling, rethinking, and replaying negative experiences cause me to relive them. It interferes with my focus and calmness. Not every problem can be solved. And not every question can be answered. Sometimes there is wisdom in accepting and surrendering to what is so that I can move through and on. I use my past for learning, not reliving. 

To leaning into the choices that feel right for you,
xx Evy


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